Monday, February 25, 2013

Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, is a great example of how to Finish Strong.  Today, every five hours somewhere around the world a new McDonald’s restaurant is opening.  However, what’s amazing about McDonald’s is that Ray did not conceive the idea until he was 52 years old.  By that time he had already been a struggling paper cup salesman, real estate broker, piano player and milk shake mixer.  Here’s what Ray said about that time in his life:

“I was 52 years old.  I had diabetes and incipient arthritis.  I had lost my gall bladder and most of my thyroid gland in earlier campaigns, but I was convinced that the best was ahead of me.”  - Ray Kroc

He deeply believed that this new restaurant concept was his biggest idea ever.  He chose to fully commit himself to make it happen.  However, in order to realize his dream he would have to mortgage his home and borrow heavily.  You have to remember that Kroc conceived the idea in a time when the family home-dining experience was very much ingrained in our culture.  People did not eat out very often.  However, Ray believed if Americans could order good food in a clean place and get it fast, they would come.  And, of course, he was right.

He truly was the father of “fast food.”

Most of us at 52 years old would find every reason not to take the risk and roll the dice on an untested concept.  However, Ray believed in himself and was determined to succeed.  Today because of Ray Kroc living his dream, McDonald’s serves more that 47 million customers a day across 117 different countries and employs hundreds of thousands around the world.  He once said, “When you find something that you love to do, you’ll never have to work another day in of your life.”  He took the risk and finished strong.

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